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Our Commitment to Our Families

Now more than ever, we are understanding the need to join together as a community.


Below are some of the resources we have been able to verify are open and available to serve families during the COVID-19 pandemic. We continue to seek out additional community resources and will be updating this page periodically.

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Community Programs
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Community Action Partnership of Kern (CAPK)


Provides comprehensive information and referral services that connect Kern County residents to community health and human services and support.


CAPK can be reached by calling 2-1-1 or visiting their webpage online at

Adventist Health Children's Mobile

Immunization Clinic


The mobile unit offers FREE vaccinations to children under the age of 18 who meet one of the following criteria: 


1. No health insurance
2. Enrolled in Medi-Cal (Please bring Medi-cal card to every visit.)
3. American Indian or Native Alaskan



Mobile Immunization Clinic Calendars

03-2022 calendar English ver_.png
03-2022 calendar Spanish ver_.png

Kern County COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program

BKRHC COVID Prevention Flyer

You may be eligible for one-time rent or

mortgage assistance of up to $5,000 for

payments due between March and December of

2020. If your rent or mortgage is 30% or more

of your income and you meet additional criteria,

call 2-1-1 to apply while funding lasts.




Puede ser elegible para asistencia única de alquiler o hipoteca de hasta $ 5,000 para pagos que vencen entre marzo y diciembre de 2020. Si su alquiler o hipoteca es el 30% o más de sus ingresos y cumple con criterios adicionales, llame al 2-1-1 para solicitar mientras la

financiación dura.

Adult Citizenship Education Program


Join U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services for a Citizenship Teacher Training seminar. This session will focus on naturalization process and eligibility requirements, overview of the naturalization test and instructional strategies and resources for citizenship classrooms.


March 28, 2022 | 9 am - 4 pm

Beale Memorial Library, Bakersfield CA




Únase a los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos para un seminario de Capacitación de Maestros de Ciudadanía. Esta sesión se enfocará en el proceso de naturalización y los requisitos de elegibilidad, una visión general de la prueba de naturalización y estrategias instructivas y recursos para las clases de ciudadanía.


28 de marzo, 2022 | 9 am - 4 pm

Beale Memorial Library, Bakersfield CA






Family Resource Centers

What is a Family Resource Center?


The Family Resource Centers are caring, compassionate, supportive places where every member of the community can feel welcome. Family Resource Centers partner with families and the community to help them be successful by strengthening children, youth, families, and the community as a whole. This is done through a number of programs and services designed to support children, families, and the community.




300 Franklin Street, Arvin CA, 93203

Mailing: 737 Bear Mountain Blvd. Arvin, CA 93203

Program of the Arvin Union School District

Yvonne Armendaríz

Phone: (661) 854-6525

Fax: (661) 854-6585

Operating Status: Appointment Only

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 7:30 am - 4 pm

Fri: 7:30 am - 3:30 pm

Services Offered: Application Assistance, Unemployment and EDD, Legal Referrals, Medi-Cal Applications, Food Bank and Clothing Referrals, Case Management, Child Development Information, Crisis Assistance, School Readiness fro Preschool, Nurturing Parent Classes


7915 Burgundy Ave. Lamont, CA 93241

Mailing: 1624 Fairview Road Bakersfield, 93307

Program of the Lamont Elementary School District

Jennifer Wood-Slayton, Project Director

Phone: (661) 854-2724

Operating Status: Phone/Text or

Schedule an appointment

CoronaVirus Hotline: (661) 379-0553

Hours: Mon - Fri: 8 am - 5 pm

  • Facebook

Services Offered: Application Assistance, Unemployment and EDD, Legal Referrals, Medi-Cal Applications, Food Bank and Clothing Referrals, Case Management, Child Development Information, Crisis Assistance, School Readiness fro Preschool, Nurturing Parent Classes


Greenfield Family Resource Center

5400 Monitor Street Bakersfield, CA 93307

Mailing: 1624 Fairview Road, Bakersfield 93307

Program of the Greenfield Union School District

Jordan Green, Project Director

Phone: (661) 837-3720 x 4270

Fax: (661) 837-3723

Operating Status: Limited Hours

Limited Hours: Mon - Thurs: 9 am - 12 pm

Closed Fridays

  • Facebook

Services Offered: One-Stop Resources and Referrals, Family Support Services, Nutrition & Physical Education, Pre-K Academy, Tobacco Use Prevention


Shafter Healthy Start Family Resource


300 N Valley St. Shafter, CA 93263

Mailing: 331 Shafter Ave. Shafter, CA 93263

Isabel Gutierrez

Director of Student & Family Support Services

Phone: (661) 746-8788

Operating Status: Limited Hours

Limited Hours: Mon - Thu: 8 am - 5 pm

Fri: 8 am - 11:30 am

  • Facebook

Services Offered: Provides direct family support services through case management and parenting classes. Promotes parents’ knowledge of developmental milestones and norms. Provides early learning through center-based and kindergarten transition activities. The FRC is the central location for services in Shafter and neighboring communities.

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Health & Wellness

Local Mental Health and Medical Services


The list below contains contact information for a few local Mental Health and/or Medical Service providers in Kern County.   



Bakersfield Behavioral Health Hospital

What: Mental Health Services for Children/Adults

Where: Bakersfield


Phone: (661) 398-1800 or (877) 755-4907

5201 White Lane, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Regular Hours: Open 24 Hours

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Clinica Sierra Vista, Behavioral Health

What: Mental Health Services for Children

Where: Arvin/Lamont


Phone: (661) 845-5100

10417 Main Street, Lamont, CA 93241

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 7:30 am - 6:30 pm

Saturday: 8 am - 12 pm

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College Community Services

What: Mental Health Services for Children

Where: Shafter/Wasco


Phone: (661) 758-4029

29341 Kimberlina Rd #102 Wasco, CA 93280

Regular Hours: Mon,Wed,Fri: 8 am - 5 pm

Tue, Thu: 8 am - 6 pm

College Community Services

What: Mental Health Services for Adults

Where: Shafter/Wasco


Phone: (661) 674-3377

930 F. Street, Wasco, CA 93280

College Community Services

What: Mental Health Services for Children

Where: Taft


Phone: (661) 765-7025

1021 B 4th St., Taft, CA 93268

Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance


What: Mental Health Services for Children

Where: North Bakersfield


Phone: (661) 393-5836

2001 North Chester Avenue, Bakersfield, CA 93308

Henrietta Weill Memorial Adult Behavioral


What: Mental Health Services for Adults

Where: North Bakersfield


Phone: (661) 371-3360

3509 Union Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93305

Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance


What: Mental Health Services for Children & Parent Support Services

Where: West Bakersfield


Phone: (661) 322-1021

3628 Stockdale Highway, Bakersfield, CA 93309

Henrietta Weill Memorial Child Guidance


What: Mental Health Services for Children

Where: Delano/McFarland


Phone: (661) 725-1042

375 Dover Pkwy Delano, CA 93215

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 am - 7 pm


Kern Behavioral Health and Recovery Services

What: Non-Crisis Adult Care

Where: Kern County


Phone: (661) 868-8080

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Clinica Sierra Vista, Arvin Community

Health Center

What: Medical Services

Where: Arvin


Phone: (661) 854-3131

1305 Bear Mountain Blvd, Arvin, CA 93203

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 am - 7 pm


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Lamont Community Health Center

What: Medical Services

Where: Lamont


Phone: (661) 845-3731

8787 Hall Road, Lamont, CA 93241

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 am 7 pm

Walk-In Clinic: Mon-Sun: 8 am to 8 pm

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Shafter Community Health Center

What: Medical Services

Where: Shafter


Phone: (661) 746-9194

659 Central Valley Hwy, Shafter, CA 93263

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 8 am 5 pm

COVID Hotline: (661) 336-4585




Justice Centers

Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance, Inc


What: Legal Assistance

Where: Bakersfield


Phone: (661) 325-5943 or (888) 292-4252

615 California Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93304

Operating Status: Office Closed,

Call for services


Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 12 pm

and 1 pm - 4 pm

  • Facebook

Kern County Family Justice Center

What: Domestic Violence Intervention Services

Where: Bakersfield


Phone: (661) 868-8410

2101 Oak Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 9 am - 5 pm


Alliance Against Family Violence and

Sexual Assault (24 Hour Hotline)

What: Hotline and Emergency Shelter

Where: Bakersfield


24 Hour Hotline: (800) 273-7713

Phone: (661) 327-1091

1921 19th Street, Bakersfield, CA 93301

Regular Hours: Mon-Fri: 9 am - 5 pm



Crisis Hotlines

DURING A CRISIS: Consider these options when you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis:

  • Call 9-1-1

  • Call the Kern County Mental Health Hotline (800) 991-527

  • Kern County COVID-19 Mental Health Hotline (661) 525-5900   



Arvin Police Department                                                (661) 854-5583


Bakersfield Crisis Pregnancy Center                            (661) 326-1907


Bakersfield Police Department                                      (661) 327-7111


CA Youth Crisis Hotline                                                  (800) 843-5200


Crisis Text Line                                                                Text TWLOHA to 741-741


The Eldercare Locator                                                    (800) 677-1116


National Child Abuse Hotline                                         (800) 422-4453


National Domestic Violence Hotline                              (800) 799-7233


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline                             (800) 273-8255


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Español              (888) 628-9454


Self-Abuse Finally Ends (S.A.F.E.) Info Line                 (800) 366-8288


Self-Harm Crisis Text Line                                              Text HOME to 741-741


Shafter Police Department                                             (661) 746-8500


Teen Crisis Hotline                                                          (800) 852-8336


The Trevor Project Lifeline (LGBTQ+)                            (800) 488-7386

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