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Our Approach

Who We Are

Who We Are

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Grow Public Schools is a growing network of high-performing, college-prep public charter schools in Kern County, California. Our schools are lead by a home office, based in Bakersfield.  

Our vision is for Grow Public Schools to transform the educational landscape for students in the rural areas of Kern County by providing a model of excellence and innovation leading to college readiness and lifelong success.

Our mission is for Grow Academy Arvin and Grow Academy Shafter, K-8 public schools, to close the achievement gap for students in the rural areas of Kern County by creating an environment for student excellence and well-being.

We are focused on setting our students up for success.

Our Focus

Grow Public Schools provides wide-ranging support for each campus, including:

  • strategic planning and new school growth opportunities

  • executive leadership across the school network

  • back-office support in the disciplines of finance, accounting, compliance, and human resources

  • external communications, marketing, development, and partnership formation

This way, our schools can

focus on teaching and learning.

We strive to:

Our Strive

Provide high-quality resources, services, and value to all schools in our network.

Ensure consistency and excellence across the Grow Public Schools network in curriculum, instruction, assessment, technology, school culture, nutrition, and wellness.

Promote a sustainable charter school model through strategic planning and accountability.

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